Welcome to the Crypt

This is a Mirrored download page
for Microsoft Comic Chat Characters
which are posted on the Crypthome website.

These files are comic characters for use in the chat program
'Microsoft Chat V2.5'
Download and 'save' them to your 'COMICART' folder!

C:\Program Files\Chat\COMICART
- or -
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Chat\COMICART

The-Reaper Fairie Yel1Dog TZ_Specter LANCE_Msv
Kit2 Jacy2 Crazy-Cat Razor Old Hippy Bun
Belle 2000 The_Reaper DyNaMiTe _Skull44 Studs Cro
Gailron Kit 3 Kit 41 Kit 42 Poochess
For MadMax Captain_Jerk DDM-Anime1 DDM-Anime2 Night Elf Female


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