Chat Characters by GaryT |
These files are comic characters for use in the chat program
'Microsoft Chat V2.5'
Download and 'save' them to your 'COMICART' folder!
C:\Program Files\Chat\COMICART
- or -
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Chat\COMICART
GaryT's Characters |
 Aangela |
 Taffy |
 Balla |
 Bpunkx |
 1Bubbles |
 Screen1 |
 Cackle |
 Cute-pid |
 1Gastly |
 Lurkin-vult |
 Killara |
 Me2 |
 Mint-ann |
 Some-guy |
 Mzclaus1 |
 Oddbot |
 Peng1 |
 Rmsy |
 Soul |
 Rms |
 Fight-r2 |
 Xmastreea |
 Arrrf-arf |
 CrazyCat_ze |
 Pooh-eeyore-clasic |
 Pooh-oh-pooh |
 Pooh-rabbit |
 Granee |
 Fighter1 |
 Magic |
 Weefolks |
 Weeone |
Space Available |
Friends Characters |
 !BigBlueEyes by BlueEyes |
Christmas_Angel by BlueEyes^Lady^ |
 PepsiCanX_XC by GrimReaperX |
 Cocacola by ^Kayla^ |
 FrankZappa by Bong_Lord |
 LaraC3R by Abloise aka LaraCruz |
 LaraC1 by Abloise aka LaraCruz |
 Exucutor by Lazer |
 Skzms by SKZM |
 Skzmd by SKZM |
 Furbie2 by SKZM |
Space Available |
This page restored by:

10 February 2018