original No.1

Kerotan まだシッポの生えているカエル
This is the frog where the tail has grown.
Ghost 死神キャラ〜釜を持ってるよ
This is a death god. It has an iron pot but he is very gentle.
Dorako '蛯ォなドラゴ"。10mはある?
This is a big dragon. It will be equal to or more than 10 m, being very big.
Tumurin カタツムリキャラ。結構色んな表情あり
This is a snail. This is popular in Japan. The look is abundant.
Kulita 某映画の"ョ物?がモデル。"{ると"ナ針"ュ射?
This made the animal of the movie a model. He discharges a poison needle when he is angry.
Usa ミニウサギ。小さいので顔が"シ分しかコマに"らない(>_<)
This is a small rabit. It is when the height doesn't reach a screen, too, because it is small.
Momomo "L蝙蝠'ーももも!ここのHPの管理者のキャラ
This is me. It is the half of the cat and bat.
Debit 子悪魔がモデル。スノボーもやるぞ!(2000バージョ"にリニューアルアップNO.2にあります)
This is a child devil. It gives a snow board, too.
Mappy これなんだ?("噤j作った本人もわかりません。"艫Lャラ
I don't understand this. He is a mysterious creature.
Tonana クリスマス用キャラ。鼻が赤くないトナカイ
This is for the Christmas. It is a reindeer but there is not a nose, being red.