
Seiren もももの世界の"yの神様。結構イタズラ好き
This is a god in earth in the world of me. He dislikes being called a bird.
Kamenoko 服を'た亀。ちょっと不細工?(笑)
This is the turtle which put on a cloth.
Black-Momomo ももものライバル!結構正確悪い
This is the rival of momomo. His character is very bad.
Heavy-Smoker タバコを吸う人におすすめ。タバコばっか吸ってるキャラ
This is a smoking person. Thinking that it is good when the smoking person uses
Darumacat だるまの様に'蛯ォい"Lしゃん(clioバージョ"にリニューアルアップ。リクエスト表にあります)
This is a big cat. He is gaining weight. He eats well.
Flower-Penguin 花'ケ'ー。機嫌がいいときは花になります♪(データ紛失しました)
As for this, a flower and a bird are mixed together. He makes a flower bloom when he rejoices.
Favorite なんとなく雑誌で描きやすい人がいたんでそれをキャラにしてみました("噤j
This is the person who was carried on the magazine which I am using by the studying.
Akumo 悪魔バージョ"のももも。もももバージョ"も'揩ヲて来たね・・
This is the devil version of momomo
Genshi-Man 原始人くんです。野性味たっぷりでいす♪
This is a primitive person. He is very strong.and he have many animals a good friend.
Debit_2000 元ファイルが消えたのでリニューアルアップ。変更"_は絵のタッチです。表情は'Oと"ッじです。
I rewrote newly because I lost the original AVS file.