To Add 5, 6, (or even 7) Panels To Comic Chat Depending on your wide screen! (UPDATE: If you are running 1920 x 1080, then you can even go 7 panels)These regedit files were created by Mermaid_Elizabeth and are safe to use!
If you have a widescreen, this is what you see using the max setting of 4 panels in Comic Chat program. |
These .reg files not only set the number of panels across, but also set the dimensions of each panel square so that they fit properly.
They are contained in a 7-zip file, so you'll have to have 7-zip to unzip it. Since I often change my panel size, I keep the 6 panel .reg file on my desktop to restore Comic Chat back to 6 panels once I am finished screen grabbing on a large single panel (or whatever I am doing that caused me to change the panel number).
 Download 5 Panel |
5-Panel Reg FileUN ZIP the .Reg file! Then with your Comic Chat program closed, right click on the '5_panel.reg' file and select 'Merge'. Follow the prompts (Yes & OK) to get 5 panels. For some screens this is enough to fill your screen. |