Request No.3

Image Name Requestor Description
Angel-Cat yuko "V使の"Lです〜♪かわいくできました♪
It is the cat of the angel. It is very pretty.
Darkness-Momomo ^^Lucky^^ 暗黒からやってきたももも。結構音楽好きなんだよ。
It is momomo which came from the dark world. It is possible to be transformed into the dragon.
Flying-Supercat GrimReaperX 空"ぶ"L♪
It is the cat which flies in the sky.
Momomo_Cat_Kewpie kewpie ももも型"Lとの事♪""ナって言われたけど普'ハのもももになった(^^;)
It is the cat of the momomo version.
Dorastar piccolo 暗黒ももものドラゴ"バージョ"、、ってゆーか普'ハのドラゴ"になった?(笑)
It is momomo and character to have made synthesize a dragon but it is a dragon almost.
Little_Mewpie Kewpie. ゲームのキャラクターと思います?
This is the character which the cat and the human being combined with. It is very pretty.
Sleep_By_Mw Twinkle ももものモ"スターイラストに描いてあるスリープくんです^^
This is the character which is published in "SketchBook for Monsters".
he like to sleep.
Bumble_Bee ^Kayla^ ミツバチで〜す^^いろいろな服'浮ノ変身しまする〜♪
This is a honeybee. He can wear a lot of clothes.
Yosyika よっしー
This is a squid. He shows his mood by changing the color of his body.
Uryamo_Cat Jade 名'O'ハりうりゃもの"Lバージョ"
This is the cat version of uryamo.