ChatCheck is a freeware utility designed to assist the user to maintain a
collection of characters (avatars) for use in Microsoft's Comic Chat program. Note: ChatCheck compares the character files that are in your ComicArt folder to the character files that are availabe for download on the internet at various download sites. ChatCheck will then inform you of which files you do not have and where to go to download the new ones. Since ChatCheck is hard coded to look only for the ComicArt folder in C:\\Program Files\Microsoft Chat\ComicArt or in C:\\Program Files\Chat\ComicArt, if you install the Comic Chat program anywhere else on your computer, then ChatCheck will not be able to find your local file folder. ChatCheck can still search the internet for files, but it will not compare what you have on your computer to what is out there to download! If you want to get the best results using ChatCheck, it is suggested to have the Comic Chat program installed in one of the two default locations on your computer. To find new characters on the internet Establish your usual connection to the internet and Click the Search button.
For each site found a column will be added to the grid.
Once searching has finished you will be able to :
For information on your installed characters Right-click anywhere and from the Popup menu select
your ComicArt folder will be scanned and any characters found will be highlighted
Once scanning has finished you will be able to ...
Checking your autoloadable characters for updates A version 2.5 character can point to a master copy of itself on the internet.
To make ChatCheck check for updates
ChatCheck will indicate if
Redirecting your autoloadable characters Occasionally an internet site from which you obtained a character is closed down.
You can redirect individual characters by Double-clicking the "Moved" symbol, or
Notes You can abort a search or skip slow pages at any time.
During a search ChatCheck does not copy the characters it finds to your computer,
If left running in the background (the recommended way to use it anyway) ChatCheck
Advanced features You can quickly find an installed character by pressing F3 and typing the first few
You can resize or resequence columns by dragging the column headings,
Sometimes you may see an option on the Popup menu to show members,
Click here for the ChatCheck Homepage Click here to Email Mermaid Elizabeth Click here to Email Sqiz Copyright © 1998-2022, 2023 Derek White aka: Sqiz - All other copyrights acknowledged