Keiko info
Xeno info
There is a character editor (Ver0.0.57), but...
First of all, a correction (^^;. It seems that the BMP of the mask is not necessarily made according to the display color mode of the screen. When making a two-color character in the screen mode full color, several masks In BMP, there was a thing that the remaining masks are generated in full color BMP.It is a mystery why they are not unified, but is there a way to generate all masks in 2 color BMP? By the way, when this two-color BMP mask was generated, the number of sheets was 3 out of 13 (the remaining 10 were full-color BMP masks).
(below this is the front)
Monochrome characters made by MS have a two-color BMP mask, so the file size is small despite the large graphic size (number of pixels). In addition, there are characters with separate head and body parts. In the first place, the tools are different, but I can't help it. Personally, I don't think it's normal for one character to be 1 Mega 2 Mega. That's why I'm worried about the fatness of AVB files generated by the character editor, so I made a tool that makes dieting for AVB files a little easier.
DIET_AVB.EXE Overview:
This program is intended to assist in trimming AVB files generated by the character editor (Ver0.0.57). Specifically, it can divide an AVB file into a header and each BMP file, and recombining the divided files (including calculating and updating the offset value to the BMP).
However, there are the following restrictions.
IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THESE LIMITATIONS, DO NOT USE THIS PROGRAM. AVB files generated by the character editor can be used without any problems without dieting.
[ふ〜ん、そっか。じゃあいいや] Homepage
Example: when processing foo.avb
First, create a working folder and copy this program and the AVB files to be processed. Then go to the working folder on the command line (open a DOS window) and run the program.
>diet_avb 0 foo
(0 is the number zero. Specify the file name without extension)
When the process is completed normally, the following files should be created.
foo.bmp | BMP file of icons |
foo.hed | Information part |
grp_xx.bmp | Graphic BMP file (where xx is a number) |
mask_xx.bmp | Mask BMP file (where xx is a number) |
Here, convert the mask BMP file to a monochrome two-color BMP. For conversion, you need a graphics tool with that capability (I use Photoshop...). The converted file is overwritten and saved with the same file name.
Save a backup of the original foo.avb if necessary.
Run the program for recombination.
>diet_avb 1 foo
A warning will be displayed if a file with the same name as the AVB file to be recombined already exists. Press Y to overwrite.
If the process is completed normally, a smaller foo.avb should be created. Copy it to the COMICART folder of MSChat and check if it's funny.
18 December 1997 : Ver 0.1
- Bare minimum functionality.
21 December 1997 : Ver 0.2
- Corresponding to the emotion of sharing the pose (intended to be).
- Changed to inquire about overwrite/cancel when an AVB file already exists when recombining.
21 January 1998
- I have attached a document with the same content as this page (^^;
- Fixed some messages (the process itself has not changed).