How to play mp3 files in comic chat program

updated: 17 September 2024
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Right out of the box, Microsoft Comic Chat users can play WAV, MIDI,
and RMI sound files inside a chat room. But with the onset of MP3's
and the serious decline of RMI files, it would be nice for an upgraded
version of Comic Chat that would also play MP3 files.

Microsoft ceased developement of the Comic Chat program back in
the early part of 2001. Which meant also that the MP3 addition wasn't
going to come from Microsoft.

Ryan, a talented chatter from the IRX-City Chat Server Group decided
to use a HEX editor to replace the RMI callout inside the Comic Chat .exe
file to that of MP3's. The result was SUCCESS!

This MP3 comic chat version is in the Windows XP section because
it only seems to work with Windows XP. Mermy has one machine with
Windows 98SE in it and even though she has Windows Media Player 9.0
in it, it won't play the mp3 files in a Comic Chat room. She can,
however, play them on her Windows XP machine.

To play MP3 files in Comic Chat:
1. You have to be using Microsoft's Windows XP or newer.
2. You have to install the Comic Chat 2.5 program from it's regular
    installation file. ( See: ).
3. Then download the cchat_mp3.exe file and place it into the
    same folder where you have the regular Comic Chat 'cchat.exe' file located.

That's it! Once you've finished putting the cchat_mp3.exe file into
the Comic Chat folder, then you can create a shortcut to it from
your desktop. When you're ready to chat, click on it to connect to the
Comic Chat rooms instead of the regular installed Comic Chat icon.
You're ready to play some music!

Hint: Most people rename the original cchat.exe, some will discard it.
Then rename the cchat_mp3.exe to cchat.exe and use it as the
regular Comic Chat executable.

A Reminder: In order for you to be able to hear other people's MP3's,
you also have to have the same MP3 file in your C:\Windows\Media folder.
So ask them to share it with you. Likewise, no one else can hear your
MP3 sounds unless they too have the same MP3 file in their

C:\Windows\Media folder.

So when they ask for it, remember to share as well!


Click here to download:

English Version
Plays .WAV .MP3 .MID files

Click here to download:
Japanese Version
Plays .WAV .MP3 .MID files

Click here to download:
German Version
Plays .WAV .MP3 .MID files
Newly Added Newly Added


Click here to download:

Spanish Spanish Version

Plays .WAV .MP3 .MID files

Plays .WAV .MP3 .WMA files
Newly AddedNewly Added

Click here to download:
English Version
Plays .WAV .MP3 .WMA files

Click here to download:
Japanese Version
Plays .WAV .MP3 .WMA files

Click here to download:
German Version
Plays .WAV .MP3 .WMA files

Click here to download:

Greek Version
Plays .WAV .MP3 .WMA files
This is a zipped file!
You will have to have an unzip program
to extract it before using.
A free one called 7-Zip
is available on the Cool Programs Page in the "Archival Programs" section!

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