Website Links to additional backgrounds for Microsoft Comic Chat

These are links to sites that have additional backgrounds available for
downloading and using in the chat program 'Microsoft Comic Chat'!
Download and 'save' them to your 'COMICART' folder!

C:\Program Files\Chat\COMICART
- or -
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Chat\COMICART

Updated - 22 November 2024

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Unfortunately '.BGB' Backgrounds
can only be viewed within the Microsoft Comic Chat ver 2.5 program!

starblinker Update: ..Au contraire, mon Capitan!
Thanks to AVBuster, that is a thing of the past!

Click here Phoenix Online Nexus - Comic Chat Backgrounds

spacer( .bgb's ALL auto DL'ing )
213 230109
Belle2000's Art Studio of Comic Chat Backgrounds
spacerMany are of her original oils!
spacer( .bgb's ALL auto DL'ing )

49 230102

Chats #Color_Comic_Chat Backgrounds

spacer( .bgb's ALL auto DL'ing )
21 230109

Cidoku Comic Chat Backgrounds
Cidoku's Comic Chat Backgrounds

spacer( .bgb's ALL auto DL'ing )
6 240916
Click here Comic-Sun & Friends Backgrounds for Comic Chat

OFF-LINE for now. Sorry for the inconvience!
Liljoe is in the process of relocating his domain
to a home based server!

spacer( .bgb's ALL auto DL'ing )
1,178 210301
Click here Crypt Backgrounds for Comic Chat
Site was re-located due to the loss of our dear friend, MadMax !
spacer( .bgb's ALL auto DL'ing )
145 230220
Click here DrMad2000's Comic Chat Backgrounds - R e s t o r e d

spacer( Auto DL'ing .bgb's ) - ( PLUS .BMP's for ver2.1 MS Chat )

5 180206
Click here ImortalQn's Backgrounds for Comic Chat

spacer20 New Backgrounds added: 20 March 2023

spacer( .bgb's ALL auto DL'ing )
51 230320
Click here
Kandlewicke's Background Creations for Comic Chat

spacer( .bgb's ALL auto DL'ing )
8 240516
Click here Soft's #Color_Comics Backgrounds - R e s t o r e d

spacer( .bgb's ALL auto DL'ing ) has been vacated! - All content is currently posted on Phoenix-Online-Nexus!

113 221229

Click here
Stussy's - ComichaStation Backgrounds for Comic Chat

spacer( .bgb's ALL auto DL'ing )
54 221229

The '.BMP' Backgrounds are non auto-downloading
and will work in any  version of Comic Chat


Up until recently, one could only view .avb and .bgb files through Microsoft’s Comic Chat 2.5 program.Thanks to an annonymous coder and Michiel Sikma, a programmer living in Japan, an extraction utility, AVBuster.exe, was born! The .AVB and .BGB file format has been busted! Now one can extract the .BMP files that are entwined within the compression algorithm of the .AVB and .BGB files for viewing. To learn more, click HERE!

Got a scanned photo, digital photo, or original art that you would like to see used as a 'Comic Chat' background? The Phoenix-Online-Nexus now has a tutorial on how to make awesome Comic Chat backgrounds! Check it out HERE!

Send your original un-edited masterpiece to Phoenix Comic Chat Nexus!

They will review it, convert it, and then post it for you!


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