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This page contains programs pertinent to the
use and support of the 'Microsoft Comic Chat' program

updated: 16 March 2025

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  Microsoft Comic Chat  
Name Description Get It
Comic Chat
Microsoft Comic Chat is a typical IRC chat cliet that will connect to any IRC chat server.
What makes it a totally fun and different way to chat is that one can select to use a comic character
and then chat in a 'comic strip' environment, rather than in just plain text!

(Version 2.5 uses color characters and color backgrounds).
(This installation file installs original black and white characters. One then must go here to update them to color)!
Click Here to download MS Comic Chat

Registry Edit files created by Mermaid_Elizabeth to add 5, 6, or even 7 Panels across, depending on your screen resolution.
Comic Chat can set to 4 Panels, but with today's wide screens, there's room for more!
Each file not only sets the amount of panels across, but also the dimensions of each panel in order to best fit your screen!
Mermy uses 6 panels with her resolution set to 1600 x 900, but if you are using your full 1920 x 1080, you can use the 7-panel regedit!
Her eyes just aren't that good anymore for that high of resolution!

Instructions are on the RegEdit page!
272 bytes
[ ccedit ]
Comic Chat Character Creator
This is the creation program for making ones own personalized
comic characters for use in the MS Chat 2.5 program.

NOTE: This is a 16-bit program. In order to make it work
in today's Windows one must first install Microsoft's Virtual PC.
Links and more info for Windows 7 is HERE and for Windows 10 visit HERE! (Virtual PC is free)

Special Download: Users of Older Comic Chat Version 2.1
Must get Version 0.55 Character Editor

Ver 0.66
Click Here to download Comic Chat Character Editor

Win 95 - Win 10

This is a Comic Chat character Web search utility.
It compares the .AVB character files that you have on your
hard drive to what is available on the internet. Then shows
you where to go if you want to download them.

Created by: Derek White aka Sqiz

Click Here to download ChatCheck
Ver 0.2

Comic Chat v2.1
AVB Character Extraction Tool

for older AVB files prior to version 2.5

A Japanese 'command line ' utility created back in 1996 by Shunji Haruki.

Originally created by Haruki to solve a bug that the first
'Character Editor' put into finished .AVB files. Although Microsoft
has since removed the bug, this program also works to separate all of
the graphic poses from out of any (Comic Chat ver 2.1) AVB character.

It works very fast!
Many of the original mschat2.1 characters are posted on
'Y-Guy's' restored "The Unofficial MS Chat Add-On Site" web pages!

~Included in the zip file is a sample 2.1 file so that DIET_AVB can be tested!

Click Here to download Diet_avb

Nuke It
Ver 0.1

AVB Character (& BGB Background) Extraction Tool
for current version 2.5 AVB Comic Chat Characters
Also extracts background BGB files!

A ' command line ' utility written by an annonymous coder in January of 2014 who posted the 'buggy' raw code on pastebin
Michiel Sikma, a Dutch programmer living in Japan, found the code on pastebin and proceeded to compile and debug the program.
Having accomplished to perfect an exe file, he then made it available on in August of 2019

Place AVBuster in a folder of your choice as well as any .AVB and/or .BGB files you wish to extract.
Command line example uses folder named '1':

C\1\avbuster yourcharacter.AVB
- OR -
C\1\avbuster yourbackground.BGB

There is no need to define an output folder. The program automatically creates a separate 'data' folder for each file extracted!

NOTE: The original default MS Chat characters are of a different
compression algorithm than what the Character Creator uses!
Therefore they are not supported by AVBuster.
You can get the original .AVS files here.
Trick: Rename the .AVS file to .PNG and then open it in your favorite graphic program and see all the poses therein!

Download file includes zlib1.dll in case your system may not have it already. Also batch files for 'get crazy' mass extractions!

Use 'DIETAVB" above Look 1 program up the table to extract the older 2.1 Character.AVBs
Click Here to download AVBuster

Windows All

This is an awesome and totally free Hex Editor!

It is possible to edit/update the embedded url within a Comic Chat file
providing the line length is not disturbed from old address to new!

No longer online. See page --> Author's Home Page:
Click Here for HexEdit 5.0
5 M
MS Chat Info

Ver 1.1
A utility program which allows the user to change many of
the Comic Chat program settings on one small Control Panel.

(Download includes Help Pages)

Created by 'Joey', a Comic Chat user.
Page Restored --> Author's Home Page: Joey's Microsoft Chat 2.5 Info Tool

Click Here to download Joey's MSCChatInfo 1.1 Program

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click HERE to return to home page

This page created and maintained by:
Mermaid Elizabeth with Win7-Notepad
MS Paint & Irfanview